Sunday, 1 February 2009


After looking at some horror films i felt that many of them had the genre 'Thriller' with it which gives you that feeling when watching the film like what is going to happen next? what is going on? why is there spooky music playing?
I felt this effect in watching a film is very amusing and makes you very interested in the film and want to watch on and expect something to jump out or something happen suddenly.
As i like this feeling when watching a film so much i am going to now use the genre 'Thriller' in my final start of a movie.
I looked at several thriller films with interesting intros, the film that caught my interest the most was the film 'Se7en'. This gave me the same type of effect that you would find in a thriller\crime type film where you want to see what happens next and what's going on. I think how the montage clips have been put together at the start are excellent as they are close ups of a criminal preparing himself to do what he does.
I then thought of the film 'A Clockwork Orange' this is quite thrilling at times and looking at the intro gave me a good idea on what to do in the final film intro i will put together myself.

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