Sunday 29 March 2009


In my film i will have a slow zoom starting at a wide shot of the deranged killer, and the zoom will finish in a close up of his face. During the zoom there will be montage clips of the killers surroundings and quick short clips of him preparing to go out and kill for example, sharpening his knife, doing up his boots/jacket. In the background i will have the song Bela lugosi's dead by Bauhaus, I feel this song will work very well for my editing part of the filming as it has a very steady and slow beat that progresses into a guitar riff with an unsure type feel. During the zoom of the killer he will be wearing a stocking over his head so we can't quite work out and identify the killer, giving thriller type feel. In my editing i will have all background noises turned off so the music is very clear but i will only have the sound of the zip when he does up his jacket, the boots being laced up and the sharpening of the knife. When the zoom gets to the end and there is a close up of the killer's face his eyes will be closed throughout the zoom and then will open and stare into the camera with a disturbed type look in his eyes. i will have him dressed in inexpensive type clothes just dark tracksuit bottoms and a dark rain jacket, this will give a meaningful mise-en-scene as you are not likely to find a business class man who is well presented and in a suit in such a deranged type lifestyle killing.

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